

Use of drones is a new and innovative way to efficiently address issues before and after any incident i.e. equipment failure, natural disaster, dangerous, inaccessible or congested sites.

We use drones to efficiently inspect and assess the safety, risk and equipment in inaccessible areas. The reason for inaccessibility could be height, personal safety concerns, urgency and need for scaffolding or cranes. It goes without saying that installing scaffolding or renting expensive crane services. In some cases like congested environment or transmission substation utilizing scaffolding or crane may not be possible or preparation efforts may take days or weeks or even months. In the case of wind turbine inspections, drones are the cheapest, quickest and safest approach.

We also use drones to scan large sites as well as inspecting and collecting evidence in explosion sites. Since drones can provide better and high quality pictures and 4K videos which in turn provide overall view of the scene capturing the some useful details e.g. where the location of incident or fire was and where the most damage happened etc. the preparation to appear in court, if needed, would be easy and supported with solid evidence.  

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